"Bluefin tuna tartare with tomato", "Parmesan Saquito", "Gamba and bronze", "Brand Cod" and "Capote scarlet and gold" are the names of some of the 21 spikes that offer next month April as many bars, cafes and restaurants of Ceuta and hamlet of Los Torrao, participants of the "I kebab route" that takes place in Ceuta throughout the month of April, organized by the Department of Tourism of the municipality.
To the head of that department, Worship Ayala, this call to enjoy the excellent cuisine complemented ceutiense cultural, with "open air museum, the Museum of sculpture by Antonio Campillo" and "The Seven Fires Ethnological Museum "during the weekends and will open its doors with free guided tours for groups upon request.
All these local chefs have to work to make the best of the home, plus his best in the presentation of the spike, while they have prepared special menus and tours to offer their customers these days.
Each of the participating institutions have a form on which participants are rated with one to five points skewers to be tested and, once the route by local elected officials, with a minimum of 12, deposited with any of the polls that are in each room.
On Sunday May 5 at the Town Hall Square is hosting a raffle with all deposited in the ballot pamphlets, including by lottery winners will be announced, which will be awarded an Iberian ham, 100 liters of beer, a lot products ecological, other meat products and 30 lots of caviar.
With the valuation expressed in the forms, the city of Ceuta identified by the spike in gold, silver and bronze medals to the three premises that have achieved the highest score.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Ceutí