The City of Ceuta, on the occasion of the upcoming holiday season, has called for a "Family Nativity Competition" which is open to all residents of the municipality who make a crib at home.
"The assessment is done according to criteria assembly, decoration, lighting and dimensions," explains Celebrations Councilman Joaquin Bermejo, who notes that the "scenery of the landscape, the representation of traditional and typical scenes and also assess creativity and originality ".
Those interested in participating must complete the appropriate registration form and submit it to the Municipal Library of Ceuta until next December 17.
"The organization shall inform the participants on the date and time for the visit of the jury," said Bermejo.
Open to all
Participants must be placed conspicuously on the front of his house credential that identifies them as participants in this contest, so that the cribs can be enjoyed by all residents and visitors during Christmas.
The jury will announce its verdict next January 5 at the Plaza José Virgili (19 hours), in a contest whose winners will be like figures prize of Bethlehem incorporate their mounts.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Ceutí