Directive 2002/49 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on Evaluation and Management of Environmental Noise exposes the usefulness of these maps, noise maps, in case of urban agglomerations, since it would serve to determine the population's exposure to noise environmental so that in this way, adopt the necessary action plans to prevent and reduce environmental noise and in particular, when exposure levels can have harmful effects on people's health.
There are four types of strategic noise maps: agglomerations, roads, railways and airports.
The elaboration of these maps correspond to the Administrations.
There are two ways to prepare these noise maps: by sampling and by simulation.
The Noise Observatory emphasizes the serious and damaging consequences that it is for our health, requesting Administrations and Institutions with competence in the matter so that they take into account the importance and severity of them, act quickly and effectively against All sound aggression.
Some of the objectives of these noise maps would be:
Allow the global assessment of noise pollution exposure in a given area.
Allow the making of global predictions for said zone.
The regulations establish the obligation to carry out these noise maps on road and rail axes, airports and urban agglomerations that exceed certain population indices, such maps must be reviewed and, if necessary, modified every five years from the date of their approval.
Royal Decree 1513/2005, of December 16, which develops Law 37/2003, of November 17, on noise, regarding the evaluation and management of environmental noise.
For all this to the citizens of Ceutí, we would like to know if the competent body in this matter, has updated these maps as marked by the regulations and thus reassure the citizenship, which currently demonstrates its disagreement with the bad management that is being Trying this problem.
Source: Contigo Somos Democracia / Foto: archivo