According to a report on the state of poverty in Spain in 2017, there are 13 million people at risk of poverty or social exclusion.
Carlos Susías, president of the European network against poverty, described as "invisible" those in this situation where 30% have jobs and 15% have reached higher education.
Specifically, the city of Ceuta records a poverty rate of 40.8%.
Creepy data indicating that almost half of the Ceuta have trouble surviving or directly live in poverty.
Day after day we hear some politician of the formation that governs at that moment say that, his party has lowered the unemployment figures or simply that, Spain begins to emerge from the crisis, for his right actions.
Do they go out with their eyes covered or when they come to power they become amnesic?
Do you not hear or see that in every little corner of this whole country there is a Spaniard lying in the street, asking for alms?
Honest people, most of them, workers who, one day, stopped receiving miserable help or had discontinuous, poorly paid garbage jobs and today they do not have a roof to shelter them.
I would tell those who come and go from Moncloa to empathize with the people and not consent to this situation.
That is the shame of Spain.
Gentlemen, that is the policy that they have to do, the one that this country needs.
Solve the problems that concern us.
Eradicate unemployment and poverty.
And do not go to solve other people's problems, while ours are starving.
As a citizen I observe that, they try to drag votes anyway, the next elections are close and you have to scratch from wherever and for that, they can't think of anything other than to extend the aid.
In my view, I think that other outputs should be studied.
The help is, bread for today and hunger for tomorrow.
I know many people who are ashamed to go to SEPE to request them and tell me that, they just want a job that allows them to live in dignity and can give them a whim from time to time.
They do not want help.
They do not want to live on crumbs.
They want to be honest citizens with a decent salary every month.
But that seems to be further and further away.
The restlessness and anxiety, have settled in our society to stay, while we are governed by incompetent, insatiable and unscrupulous politicians or modesty.
They do not care.
They live their moment.
They cling to the chair with such force that they have no desire for anything else.
They ensure their lifetime pay and good jobs in private companies that continue to allow them a life of luxury.
Today the values ​​dignity, decency and transparency have vanished from the political landscape.
We are orphans of leaders with values ​​and principles.
I truly do not know how long the citizenship will last, enduring this situation, but it is unsustainable.
Jose Carbonell buzzian
Source: Jose Carbonell buzzian